- We have in many ways signaled to our surroundings that we would open at the end of August, and therefore we have of course received several inquiries about visits. We postpone most of them, but those who are now in the city or on an organized trip around Jutland, we gladly accept them and tell about Climatorium - in the middle of the building mess, says director Lars Nørgård Holmegaard.
On Saturday, there were thus three groups visiting. A project development group from Vejle Municipality's technical and environmental department, spouses of the guards from all over the country who were in Lemvig for a congress and finally 34 cousins from the whole country who were to meet in Lemvig this year.
- We tell about the history and expectations for Climatorium, for the events held - Climate trade conference and children's climate meeting, and then the guests get an introduction to our exhibition "Climate without borders". It was great to experience the great interest from such different groups, says Lars Nørgård Holmegaard.
Climatorium is expected to open at the end of November.
Photo: The development group from Vejle Municipality's technical and environmental department was on a study trip around Jutland, and they were very interested in hearing about the plans in Lemvig. This group is itself close to Vejle's "Ecolarium", to which there are a number of parallels to Climatorium.
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