
Connecting youth voices across the globe!


Welcome Global Youth Climate Summit

Climate is high on the agenda but it easily becomes complex and difficult to know what we can do. This leads to a sense of powerlessness and anxiety. But no matter how we approach it, the future we face will be the future our young people and future generations will grow up in. It is not the responsibility of young people, but young people have a very important voice in shaping actions and demanding solutions and how they affect our future society. We need to think and plan for the long term and this must be a future our future generations can see themselves in.

The Global Youth Climate Summit encourages youth to reconnect to nature. By connecting youth voices across borders, we provide a platform for inspiration and dialog where youth voices and dreams for their future get heard. A reconnection to nature and what connects us. Driven by hope and joy rather than anxiety and fear.


Case material

Access to case material coming soon. Get inspiration for your project here!


We celebrates youth voices on 14/11 2024

Information about the event coming soon!

Empowering youth voices!

Bring together voices from across the globe to send their message on the importance for the long term perspective in the solutions we implement

Show us your connection to water!

1. Upload your climate ideas here and it will go through a validation process (roughly one to two weeks), and we will notify you when its accepted.

2. It will then be put on the map and other students can further work on your idea and show their results.

Show us your take of an idea!

1.Upload the your take of an existing project from other students here and it will go through a validation process (roughly one to two weeks). We will notify you when its accepted.

2. It will then be put on the map that other students can see.
