Global Youth Climate Summit

Together for Tomorrow: One Planet, One Future

Save the date! – 7th november

Global Youth Climate Summit invites high school students from across the world to participate in an inspiring day where their voices will shape the climate conversation.

With a focus on education and action, students will have the opportunity to learn more about climate, resources, and sustainability while sharing their visions and dreams for the future. Under the theme “One Planet, One Future” the youth will be given a platform to express their hopes for a greener and more just world, influencing the solutions of tomorrow.





This year’s theme


Water is the foundation of life. With 97 percent of Earth consisting of water, and 60 percent of the human body, water is an essential part of our existence.

It is a resource that connects us. It is also a resource that faces growing challenges. Whether it concerns our threatened oceans, access to clean drinking water, or melting ice caps, water plays a crucial role in both our present and future.

This year, we seek to hear YOUR voice as we ask the question: What is your connection to water? How does water affect your life, do you experience a change in the access to water due to climate changes, and what do you dream of for our water resources in the future? Join the discussion and share your thoughts.

Together we can create a deeper understanding of the importance of water and work towards solutions that protect this life-giving resource.

Share your voice

What is your connection to water?


As part of our theme “Water” we invite you to express your thoughts and experiences of your connection to water in a short video. Whether it’s a personal story, a reflection on the importance of water in your life, or your hopes for our water resources, we want to hear from you!

Be a part of something bigger – your contribution makes a difference.

Here are the guidelines for recording your video

Orientation: Please record your video in landscape/horizontal format.

Length: The video should be between 30 seconds to 2 minutes long.

File Size: Ensure the file size is no larger than 1 GB.

What happens when i uploaded the video?

Your video will then be validated and put on the map by the Klimatorium team when you have sumbitted the form. It can take some time before it will appear on the map.

Inspiration for your video

Reflections on water

97% of Earth consists of water, around 60% of the human body consists of water. Water is essential. Water is life. But what is water to you? Below sub-categories might help you reflect on your connection to water.

Insights from Space

With Andreas Mogensen

As part of this year’s Global Youth Climate Summit, we are thrilled to welcome Danish ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen. He will share his unique perspective from space, offering insights into his reflections on our beautiful blue planet from when he spent nearly 7 months as a commander on a spaceship positioned 400 km from earth.

His time in space deepened his understanding of our planet and its interconnectedness, and his clear vision of earth being one planet with no visible boundaries highlights the importance of global cooperation in tackling challenges like climate change.

Got a question for Andreas Mogensen?

Two of you who submit a video under the theme “What is your connection to water?” will have the chance to ask Andreas Mogensen a question during the conference. This is a unique opportunity to engage directly with an astronaut and learn from his unique experience.


Join the event! 7th November

Help celebrate Youth voices on the 7th of November, wherever you are in the world. All you need to do is to sign up below and be ready to join us online.

ESA-Astronaut Andreas Mogensen will join us and talk about his reflections on our beautiful blue planet when he spent close to 7 months as commander on a spaceship positioned 400 km from Earth.




Celebration of Youth Voices

9.00 am, CET

9.10 am, CET
Greeting from EU Commission

9.30 am, CET
Celebration of Youth Voices

10.00 am, CET
ESA-astronaut Andreas Mogensen presentation & Q&A

11.00 am, CET
Joint action against plastic in our waterways

11.30 Lunch break

Workshops – Read more here

12.15 pm, CET
Workshops with youth cross borders online via Zoom

2.30 pm, CET
Thank you!

Make a difference

Online workshops

Workshop 1: 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm CET

Pressurized rain-water systems

Climate change is significantly impacting urban infrastructure, with periods of drought and intense rainfall straining outdated sewer systems. Upgrading these systems is often costly and spatially challenging in modern cities. Therefore, alternative solutions like permeable surfaces, retention ponds, and rain gardens, collectively known as Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS), are essential. These solutions manage large water volumes locally, but they can occupy considerable space. To address this, vertical solutions are being explored to optimize space usage in urban areas.


  • Identify and understand the basic principles ofrainwater management in cities
  • Understanding methods tohandle rainwater sustainably above the surface.
  • Designand propose solutions for vertical pressurized rain  
  • Collaborate in teamsfind innovative solutions
Workshop 2: 1.45 pm – 2.45 pm CET

A world without wetlands is a world without water

In this workshop, we will discuss wetlands and their importance to us humans, as well as their current state and future potential in regard to water security.


  • Understanding of wetlands as important ecosystems
  • Understanding different types of wetlands in different regions of the world
  • Discussing wetlands current state and their future potential in regard to water security

This could’nt be possible without

Our amazing partners

Upload your voice
Show us your connection to water
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Name of your video.
Give a short introduction to your project.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Has to be videofile formats. Allowed formats: .mpg, .mov, .wmv, .mpeg-4, .mp4. Max file size: 1gb. We recommend you record your video landscape/horizontal.
I have read all terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions for Video Uploads to Global Youth Climate Summit 2024

By uploading your video to the Global Youth Climate Summit 2024, organized by Klimatorium, you (the "Contributor") agree to the following terms and conditions:

1) Grant of Rights: By submitting your video, you grant Klimatorium a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable (subject to Section 9), worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, distribute, and publicly display the video for promotional, marketing, and educational purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, social media channels, websites, presentations, and third-party platforms.

2) Social Media and Marketing Usage: You acknowledge and agree that Klimatorium may use your video content across its social media platforms (including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube) for marketing purposes related to the Global Youth Climate Summit 2024, climate awareness, and other related initiatives.

3) Third-Party Program Integration: You consent to your video being placed on third-party mapping or visualization programs (such as interactive maps) to further the reach and impact of the content and the Global Youth Climate Summit 2024.

4) No Commercial Use or Profit: Klimatorium agrees not to use your video for any direct commercial gain or profit. The video will be used solely for the purposes of awareness, education, and promotion of climate-related initiatives.

5) No Compensation: You acknowledge that you will not receive any monetary compensation for the use of your video by Klimatorium or any of its partners.

6) Ownership of Content: You retain all ownership rights to your video. Klimatorium’s use of your video does not transfer ownership rights, but only grants the rights specified in these terms and conditions.

7) Representation and Warranties: By submitting your video, you represent and warrant that:
a. You are the sole creator and owner of the content or have all necessary rights, licenses, consents, and permissions to grant the rights specified in this agreement.
b. The content does not infringe on any third-party intellectual property rights or violate any laws.
c. All individuals featured in the video have consented to being included and to having their image, voice, and likeness used as part of the video.

8) Content Review and Removal: Klimatorium reserves the right to review, edit, or remove any video content submitted that it deems inappropriate or not in line with the values of the Global Youth Climate Summit 2024.

9) Right to Request Removal: You retain the right to request that Klimatorium remove your video from any of its platforms at any time. Upon such a request, Klimatorium will make reasonable efforts to comply with the request and remove the video within a reasonable timeframe.

10) Liability: Klimatorium shall not be liable for any third-party claims, damages, or legal proceedings arising from the use of your video as long as it is used in accordance with these terms and conditions.

By uploading your video, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to these terms and conditions.
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Sign up for Global Youth Climate Summit 2024 Online-workshop
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